Tuesday 10 November 2015

Melanoma Skin Cancer is the most severe form of skin cancer. It starts in the pigment-producing cells, commonly known as melanocytes. Melanoma is, according to reports, one of the most deadly forms of cancer afflicting the individuals.  Just like any form of cancer, earlier detection and treatment is a key to the patients’ survival. Followings are the commonest symptoms of melanoma.
The first sign is noticeable change in the shape and/or color as well as size of the moles already existing on the body. If you notice any sudden change in the moles, you should immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes, this cancer appears as moles on the skin.
According to the oncologists, there are five parameters, referred to as ABCDE, to memorize in order to be sanguine that melanoma stages could have something to do with malignancy.
Asymmetry: Malignant moles are usually not symmetrical and it is one of the commonest signs of melanoma.
Border: If the border of the moles features a ragged and blurred look.
Color: The malignant moles are usually of black or brown shades though some areas could be gray, red, white and pink.
Diameter: There is no fixed size but normal size is more than ¼ inch.
Evolving: The melanoma moles tend to change very quickly.
There are also other warning symptoms as mentioned by the doctors at the Melanoma Clinic Melbourne.
·         Emergence of a new bump
·         Color of moles spreading into the adjacent areas
·         Swelling or redness of the moles and even beyond their perimeter
·         Itching or pain caused due to moles
·         Bleeding moles
·         Tenderness
If melanoma reaches advanced stage, the moles may change their texture and produce scale-like hard look. The surface of the moles could break down, with bleeding being reported in several cases.
Only a practicing oncologist can ensure beyond doubt that the visiting patients with skin moles have melanoma or not. If the disease is identified, the treatment is immediately started.